Alexander Rutzanimaux

Alexander has been a Github user since 20 October 2010 and has released 8 extensions.

Extensions (8) Sort by Last updated Most popular Name

SimpleMDE Markdown Editor1.0.2r

Add SimpleMDE Markdown Editor to markdown enabled fields.

Language: German2.3.0b

German translation for Symphony

Association UI: Selector (Materie)1.5.0d

Search and select associated entries (Fork from »Association UI: Selector« with different UI design)

Association UI: Editor (Materie)1.2.0d

Create and edit association inline (Fork from »Association UI: Editor« with different UI design)

Are you sure?0.6r

Are-You-Sure (Dirty Form Detection)

Unique Index Field1.2.2r

A field to define unique index fields for a section.

Embeddable Page0.2r

Make a symphony page embeddable in an iFrame via page-types

Backend Assets2.0.1r

Add custom backend assets.