1.1.0experimentalField: Remote Select Box
This extension provides a simple combo box field that uses values from a remote source, via ajax.
Clone URLhttps://github.com/DeuxHuitHuit/remote_selectbox.git
Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/DeuxHuitHuit/remote_selectbox.git extensions/remote_selectbox --recursive
2.x.x | 2.1.x | 2.2.x | 2.3.x | 2.4.x | 2.5.x | 2.6.x | 2.7.0 | 2.7.1 | 2.7.2 | 2.7.3 | 2.7.4 | 2.7.5 | 2.7.6 | 2.7.7 | 2.7.8 | 2.7.9 | 2.7.10 |
No | No | No | No | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0 |
Remote Select Box
This extension provides a simple combo box field that uses values from a remote source, via ajax.
- Symphony CMS version 2.3.3 and up (as of the day of the last release of this extension)
git clone
/ download and unpack the tarball file- Put into the extension directory
- Enable/install just like any other extension
See http://getsymphony.com/learn/tasks/view/install-an-extension/
Voila !
Come say hi! -> http://www.deuxhuithuit.com/
- Add a Remote Select Box field to your section.
- Set the
data url
options with a valid url- This url must return an array of JSON objects
- Those object must have a
and atext
member, i.e.js [{"value":"the saved value","text":"the text the user sees"}, {...}]
- You can use XMLHttpRequest friendly external sources or even a frontend page as your data source.
- When updating an entry, the value will be deleted if it can't find it in the datasource or if the datasource is broken.
- Only the value is saved, not the text.
- Only the value is displayed in the table view
If you feel that this is wrong, do no hesitate to fork an improve it!
Version history
Symphony 2.3.3 to 2.x.x
- PHP7 Compatibility
Requires Symphony 2.3.3
- First release