0.2experimentalPGI Loader

Provides an common interface for Payment Gateway extensions to extend so developers can interact with a number of gateways using the same API

Clone URLhttps://github.com/brendo/pgi_loader.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/brendo/pgi_loader.git extensions/pgi_loader --recursive


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Payment Gateway Interface Loader

  • Version: 0.2
  • Release Date: 29th May 2012
  • Author: Brendan Abbott
  • Requirements: Symphony 2.3

Provides an common interface for Payment Gateway extensions to extend so developers can interact with a number of gateways using the same API


  1. Upload the pgi_loader folder to your Symphony /extensions folder.
  2. Enable it by selecting the "PGI Loader", choose Install/Enable from the With Selected menu, then click Apply.
  3. Visit the Preferences page in the Symphony backend to set your default payment gateway.


This extension aims to provide a common API that developers can use to interact with Payment Gateways. A PaymentGateway abstract class in the /lib directory provides a base skeleton to be expanded upon by developers in their own Payment Gateway extensions. At the moment this interface describes a single method, processTransaction that expects an associative array of values.

Current Gateways

Version history

Requires Symphony 2.3

  • Symphony 2.3 compatibility

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.x