0.2betareleasedMember Claims

Following, voting, and more for your members

Clone URLhttps://github.com/symphonists/memberclaims.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/symphonists/memberclaims.git extensions/memberclaims --recursive


NoNo0.2betaNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. Soon?


Member Claims

  • Status: Untested
  • Version: 0.2 beta
  • Author: Craig Zheng
  • Build Date: 14 Sep 2011
  • Requirements:


A Symphony extension that allows unique Member-to-Entry actions. Useful for developing functionalities like following and voting, or things like "I use this" or "I have this question too".


  • Provides a field type allowing any number of "Member Claim" fields to be added to your sections
  • Provides an event used to create/remove claims for the currently-logged-in member
  • Allows filtering entries by a claimant's member id (e.g. "only entries that I follow")
  • Allows sorting entries by claim count (e.g. "sort by number of votes")


Information about installing and updating extensions can be found in the Symphony documentation at http://symphony-cms.com/learn/.



See the event's own documentation after installing.

Data Source Output

There are two output modes. The default mode simply outputs an empty element with attributes for the claim count, the field id, and a flag for whether the currently-logged-in member is a claimant for the entry. For example:

        <followers count="13" field-id="43" current-member="Yes" />

The list mode, on the other hand, outputs the ids of all claimant members:

        <followers count="3" field-id="43" current-member="Yes">

The field id is included in the output because it's required by the event

Version history

Requires Symphony 2.2