0.3releasedBreadcrumb Field

A new field that lets you link your entries to each other with an intelligent breadcrumb interface.

Clone URLhttps://github.com/psychoticmeow/breadcrumb_field.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/psychoticmeow/breadcrumb_field.git extensions/breadcrumb_field --recursive


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Field: Breadcrumb

A new field that lets you link your entries to each other with an intelligent breadcrumb interface.

Version: 0.3
Date: 9 June 2011
Requirements: Symphony 2.2
Author: Rowan Lewis [email protected]
GitHub Repository: http://github.com/rowan-lewis/breadcrumb_field


  1. Copy the breadcrumb_ui and breadcrumb_field folders to your extensions folder.

  2. Enable both the "Breadcrumb UI" and "Field: Breadcrumb" extensions by choosing "Enable" from the with-selected menu and clicking "Apply".

  3. Add a Text Input, Textarea or Text Box field to your section, this will become the "Title" of your entry.

  4. Add a Breadcrumb field to your section.


The Breadcrumb interface may be a little confusing; tis is the first thing you'll see:

An empty breadcrumb

The first button is the clear button, if there where any items in the breadcrumb it would remove them, the second button is the add item button. If you don't have any entries in your section, clicking the add item button won't do anything.

After clicking the add item button you will see this:

Choosing a parent item

Clicking on one of the drop down options will add it to the end your breadcrumb:

A breadcrumb containing one item

If you click on the add item button again, it will give you a list of entries aleady linked to the last item in the breadcrumb.

Version history