1.0.2releasedUpload Fix JPEG Orientation

Custom functionalities for the upload field (frontend/backend).

Clone URLhttps://github.com/tiloschroeder/upload_fix_jpeg_orientation.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/tiloschroeder/upload_fix_jpeg_orientation.git extensions/upload_fix_jpeg_orientation --recursive




Upload Fix JPEG Orientation


This extension fixes the orientation of pictures with EXIF headers. It works in frontend and backend with the Symphony Upload field and the extension Field: Unique File Upload.

Note: This extension requires a little hack (use at your own risk).


  1. Upload the 'uploadfixjpeg_orientation' folder to your Symphony 'extensions' folder.
  2. On the 'Extensions' page in the backend enable it by selecting the "Upload Fix JPEG Orientation", choose 'Enable' from the with-selected menu and click 'Apply'.
  3. Add a delegate (the hack) as described below.

The hack: Add a delegate

To get this extension to work, it needs a delegate in the upload function of Symphony (What is a delegate?).

  1. Go to the folder symphony/lib/toolkit and open the file class.general.php.
  2. After line 1468 insert the following line: php Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('ManipulateTmpFile', class_exists('Administration', false) ? '/backend/' : '/frontend/', array('tmp' => $tmp_name,));

Note: If you upgrade Symphony to a newer version and forget to re-insert the delegate, this extension will do nothing.

Version history

Symphony 2.7.0 to 2.7.x

        - Bug fix for uploaded images with corrupt header

Symphony 2.7.0 to 2.7.x

        - Edit readme

Symphony 2.7.0 to 2.7.x

        - Initial release