0.5releasedShorten field

Shorten entry ids to tiny alphanumeric strings (like u8X).

Clone URLhttps://github.com/alpacaaa/shorten.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/alpacaaa/shorten.git extensions/shorten --recursive


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Shorten Field

A Symphony CMS field that shorten entry ids to tiny alphanumeric strings (like u8X). You could build, for example, your own in-site url shortener service having urls like $root/u8X. How cool is that?

This is based on the Entry URL Field by Nick Dunn.


This field just stores an unique alpha-numeric short identifier for each of your entry. It used to perform redirect too, but I felt that would have required an extension of its own because there are quite a few use cases that have to be adressed.

Version history

Requires Symphony 2.3

Requires Symphony 2.3

Requires Symphony 2.2.5

Requires Symphony 2.1.2