1.0.0releasedMass Upload Utility

Allows you to jam lots of Files (that already exist or you upload) into a section. The section must have an upload Field.

Clone URLhttps://github.com/scottkf/massuploadutility.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/scottkf/massuploadutility.git extensions/massuploadutility --recursive


NoNo0. Soon?


Mass Upload Utility

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Date: 05 June 2012
  • Requirements: Symphony 2.3 (for older versions of symphony use 0.9.9)
  • Author: Scott Tesoriere [email protected]
  • Github Repository: http://github.com/scottkf/massuploadutility


If you're using an older version of Symphony (<2.3), please use v0.9.9 of the Mass Upload Utility: https://github.com/scottkf/massuploadutility/tree/0.9.9


A symphony extension to allow you to add a folder of files into a section that has an upload field, it should work with all upload fields. Testing is needed.


  1. Upload the 'massuploadutility' folder in this archive to your Symphony 'extensions' folder.

  2. Enable it by selecting the "Mass Upload Utility", choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.


  1. Go to the index of a section with an upload field
  2. Click the button that says 'Create new'
  3. If there's an upload field, my script will turn on, select multiple files, enter other values as necessary, and click 'Create Entry'


  • If more than one upload field is in a section, this will not get used I consider this more a feature.

Version history

Symphony 2.3 only

        * Support for Symphony 2.3

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.5

        * Support for symphony's new style of metadata

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.4

        * Wasn't properly handling a redirect, should be taken care of, thanks David!

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.4

        * Properly fires the backend events: _EntryPreCreate_ and _EntryPostCreate_
	        * Backend stuff, no longer uses event, uses the built in actionNew function of contentPublish

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.4

        * No longer clears files from the input[file] box if failed
	        * Under the hood changes, no longer duplicates Symphony code, uses a custom event to add entries. Inspiration and thanks to Nick Dunn and his REST API extension!
	        * Will highlight which fields have problems and display errors on them (except the upload field). This may get obnoxious and I might turn it off. This is instead of showing them in the queue list. It's customizable by changing a variable in the javascript.

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.3

        * Under the hood changes, internal

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.5

        * Support for symphony's new style of metadata

Symphony 2.2 to 2.2.5

        * Added ability to exclude sections and users (I stole this from Craig's tracker extension)
	        * Forgot to localise a couple strings
	        * A quick blurb to let the user know they can upload multiple files
	        * Checking for HTML5 support
	        * Added support for using variables in any other input field, like {$number} will dynamically change
	        * When selecting files, they're populated to the queue so you know you queued files