0.1.1releasedJE Login Manager

Website sign-in with Janrain Engage social login widget

Clone URLhttps://github.com/petertron/je_login_manager.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/petertron/je_login_manager.git extensions/je_login_manager --recursive


NoNoNo0.1.1NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo. Soon?


Janrain Engage Login Manager

A Symphony CMS extension for embedding the Janrain Engage social login widget on web pages.



Go to janrain.com, create an account and follow the instuctions on making a login widget.


To set up JE Login Manager you need to enter your 40-digit API and your subdomain of rpxnow.com on the preferences page (System -> Preferences), as shown in the image below:

Setup image


The data source JE Login User Info can be customized by going to Blueprints -> JE Login Manager. By default there are three elements: provider, name and email. The information fields available vary from one provider to another; see https://rpxnow.com/docs/providers.


Attach the JE Auth event to the page or pages that will take POST data during the login process. Add the JE Login User Info data source to pages that need it.

To embed the widget on a page, the HTML to use is <div id="janrainEngageEmbed"></div>. The necessary JavaScript will be inserted into the document head automatically.

Version history

Requires Symphony 2.3

  • A necessary correction.

Requires Symphony 2.3

  • Initial release.