0.3releasedEnhanced Upload Field

Allowing override of upload folder from section entries

Clone URLhttps://github.com/andrewminton/enhanced_upload_field.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/andrewminton/enhanced_upload_field.git extensions/enhanced_upload_field --recursive


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Enhanced Upload field for Symphony CMS

This small extension aims to provide the ability to override the destination folder defined in the section editor.

A checkbox that allows the overriding of the upload folder by allowing an entry editor to assign a child folder as the upload destination.

This is a proof of concept and not intended for production environments yet.


  1. Add a 'Change file' option along side the 'Remove file' <em/> in the field entry box. To allow the ability to pick a file that was previously uploaded.
  2. Consider right aligning the selectbox of folders so the Choose File button and selectbox occupy the same horizontal line.. looks neater.

Version history

Requires Symphony 2.3.2

  • Empty array checking functions added. This release will only work with 2.3.2 due to a bug found in Symphony core. Fix is in this pull request: https://github.com/symphonycms/symphony-2/pull/1600

Requires Symphony 2.3.2

  • Refactored using the base FieldUpload class

Requires Symphony 2.3

  • Initial release for proof of concept