2.0.0releasedCTRL + K

A suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fast way to navigate in Symphony

Clone URLhttps://github.com/fhamon/ctrl_k.git

Add as a submodulegit submodule add https://github.com/fhamon/ctrl_k.git extensions/ctrl_k --recursive


Symphony compatibility information for this extension is not available. Please create a new issue asking fhamon to update this extension's compatibility info by adding @min and @max attributes to its extension.meta.xml. Or, fork the repo and add it yourself, you community-spirited developer, you. More info in the metadata schema.



Pink seal of approval

Hello. This is the single most useful extension you need for Symphony. Ditch the navigation and start using CTRL + K.

Features: - CTRL + K (Yeah, it's a feature, fight me.) - new <YOUR SECTION NAME> Guess what it does. (Don't let me do all the work) - edit <YOUR SECTION NAME> Read the above feature.


Version history

Requires Symphony 4.0.0

  • Complete rework of the interface for Symphony 4 alpha 3
  • Changed Symphony.Author for Symphony.Context.get('user')
  • Fixed undef username for "me" section

Requires Symphony 4.0.0